Те, кто давно подписан на меня в Инстаграм, знают, что я коллекционирую фарфор. Винтажный фарфор, редкий, который еще нужно поискать, это настоящие сокровища. И я очень горжусь своей коллекцией, радуюсь тому, как она быстро растет! Делюсь с вами своим вдохновением.
Those who have been following me on Instagram for a while, already know I love collecting porcelain. The vintage pieces, rare and precious, which you have to look for are true gems. I'm very proud of my collection and I feel so happy when I see it growing it so fast! So, let me share some inspiration with you.
Pair of Floral Blue Gilt Porcelain Pot Pourri Perfume Urns Lamps
19th Century French Faience Creil-Montereau Glazed Transfer Earthenware Plate
Antique Meissen Dish or Bowl in Hand Painted Porcelain, 19th Century
Teapot, Sugar Bowl and Tray in Hand Painted Porcelain
Porcelain Sugar Bowl with Cover
Ridgway Porcelain Plate, Green with Hand Painted Flowers, ca 1832
Coalport Porcelain Plate, Blue with Auriculas and Apples, ca 1830
Derby King Street Porcelain Teacup Trio, White with Tiny Roses, 1848-1862
First Period Worcester Porcelain Rococo Botanical Blue-Scale Dish
Antique American "New England Pottery" Cobalt Blue & Gold Oyster Plate Ca. 1890